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发表于 2011-3-24 11:12:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
It seems to me, there’s no woman among friends of mine who have never tried to lose weight by dieting. I myself heard the word “diet” already in my childhood. I remember my mom eating only boiled meat or only drinking kefir during the whole day to become slimmer. She read about such diets somewhere in a newspaper or they were recommended by her friends. But did my mom do this the right way? And do you do it correctly? Here are top 6 mistakes women make while dieting. I hope, you can correct them. / t& ^+ J  E' C, i! ?3 y3 h
2 h& e' w% A5 \! N0 f! f% eDieting Mistake 1. Dieting without Doctor’s Consultation
) j+ Q! h" S, E$ C5 F# h$ WNever start a new diet without an expert’s consultation. Every organism is unique and has its own peculiarities, this is why the diet which made your friend slim is not necessarily going to make you lose a lot of eess weight, too. When choosing a diet, take into consideration the peculiarities of your health and environment: weight, age, profession and so on. The causes of your excess weight may be different as well. Some people gain weight only because of a wrong diet, while some may be ill, which makes them obese.
! I9 J! s, A5 m5 U+ d# X) {, {3 [误区1. 在缺乏医生的指导下减肥
$ @( |7 Q- t& |1 y在缺乏医生的指导下不要尝试一种新的减肥方法。每个机体都是独一无二的而且都有它自己一套的生理特性。这就是为什么那些能令你朋友变得苗条的减肥方法却不一定也能使你减掉多余的重量。当你选择减肥方法的时候,要考虑你自身的健康情况和外界因素:体重,年龄,职业等等。你体重超标的原因也可能不一样。有些是因为饮食不当而引起的,而另外一些或许是患了某种疾病而导致的。 9 q# P; ^; h' g0 K( h; m$ w
Dieting Mistake 2. Eating Only Unvaried Food
( H5 l3 J) m) K( Y% P# g/ ]0 E# `There’re a lot of myths about how nice it makes one lose weight, if they eat only buckwheat, for example. Any diet containing unvaried food is very dangerous, as it makes your body receive only a certain set of vitamins and minerals, while it still needs other ones, too. Extremely dangerous are those diets excluding animal proteins, that is, meat. If you have decided to become vegetarian, start eating vegetable food very carefully. Make sure, that your body receives enough iron. Dairy products areof vital importance, as they provide your body with calcium. Imagine, what can be said about starvation diet. Remember, that lack of food can do a lot of harm to your body./ s1 W+ G( g8 d
误区2. 饮食结构单一
6 }% l( V9 V+ X: \8 T+ S: u有很多只吃单一类食物,例如荞麦,能起到很好的减肥作用的荒谬说法。任何只有单一类食物的饮食习惯都是非常危险的,因为你的身体只能从中吸收一部分维生素和矿物质,而机体所需的不单单只是这些。仅仅摄入肉类等动物蛋白的饮食习惯是极其危险的。如果你已经决定成为素食者,那么选择摄入的果蔬要异常的小心。确定你能从所选的食物中吸取足够的铁。乳制品有丰富的营养价值,因为它提供了机所需的钙。想想,什么叫做节食减肥法。记住,那些所谓的节食方法对你的身体有极大的伤害。$ W4 D! R" H+ G* N$ w
Dieting Mistake 3. Trying to Lose Weight Only by Dieting2 ~; c4 B8 r; Z* M. e
This is a big mistake to believe, that it’s possible to lose weight, if you only diet. Well, you can probably lose some kilograms, but you will gain them back, as soon as you stop your diet. A thin body can be achieved only by combining dieting with physical exercises, as well as changing your way of life. It’s not so important, what you eat and how much of it you eat. Pay more attention to how much you move. So, you need both a healthy diet and a healthy living.6 _; \8 v% w  e
误区3. 单靠节食减肥/ V! ~1 y- i. J6 c7 n5 X! m
人们相信单靠节食是能达到节食效果的。这就是一个很大的误区。没错,你或许能够减下很多公斤,但是,一旦你停止节食,很快它们就回来了。一个苗条的身段只能通过饮食和体育锻炼相互结合才能实现的,同时,也要改变一下你的生活方式。其实你吃什么、吃多少并不重要。要注意的是你到底运动了多少。因此,你需要的是一个健康的饮食外加一个健康的生活方式。 : I9 s9 P) a% ?* U$ N
Dieting Mistake 4. Combining Dieting with Stresses2 }( |( c  R0 ?9 l0 V' @" x
Avoid stresses. There’re lots of people, who may lose their temper and start eating everything they see exactly in stress situations. If you notice such behavior of yours, it’s a problem for dieting. Don’t start dieting, if you’re not sure you will be able to complete what you’ve started.: u; q/ U# w* Y2 }2 n3 E
误区4. 将压力与饮食结合0 a3 C: x. F2 g! u" b
: B/ Q' x  E7 d+ C/ ^5 f* bDieting Mistake 5. Losing Too Much Weight Too Quickly
: N% w- `) D6 e8 JDon’t strive for losing as much kilograms as possible as soon as possible. One could lose flesh during the first month due to the lack of excess water in the body. But loosing more than 3 kilograms in one month can be dangerous for your health. If it happens, your body loses non-fatty tissues as well as fatty ones, which is inadmissible.
3 ^3 H9 c; }8 ^. Z& b) p误区5. 过快减去过多的体重
$ s. d  v# H* I' w0 T( I, l不要追求在最短的时间内减去最多的体重。由于减掉了机体内多余的水分,人们在头一个月会显得消瘦。但是,在一个月之内减掉超过三公斤的话,那么势必对机体造成损害。假如这种情况发生了,减掉的不仅仅是脂肪组织还有非脂肪组织,这是机体难以承受的。 8 m& k. ]3 N7 Z
Dieting Mistake 6. Combining Various Diets
% C2 O" J6 O7 Z7 MDon’t try to combine different diets. One weightloss method can contradict another one. And combining such diets may be harmful to your health.
( n6 b( C9 y( G* YRemember, that after dieting for some period of time and achieving a slim body you were striving for it’s possible to gain all your kilograms back, if you stop healthy dieting and exercising. So, take some time for regular physical exercises and take care of what you eat over the period of your entire life.; M6 V- m2 [' N- Y  s  ]3 @0 c
误区6. 多种减肥方法结合
6 i4 n, A7 v, u. p; A9 j9 }不要尝试着把多种减肥方法结合起来。不同的减肥方法会相互抵触的,如果把他们结合起来会危害你的健康。0 H2 @4 `" \, O5 F
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